A nice ghost from Janet - and a clear address. The ghost looks like it was done with the white Sharpie Creative Marker. She got a nice effect with the texture. It would have required patience to fill in around the lettering and still make it look nice. That tiny little bit of orange that you can see around the lettering is one of those secret tricks to make your work look extra cool. In theory - you just leave a little space - which seems like it would be easy. But, it's not. It's is the smallest possible space and you can't go over. It's about the width of a hair. Leaving hair-width strips of color between two other colors is a technique that illustrates how patience and precision may take time, but it's sooo worth it. It's not a guarantee that you will love the end result. If you haven't resolved something like a clunky layout - then you might end up with a clunky end product. But, you can still admire that part where you invested patience and precision.
We never have to endure drivel on the first of the month because it's sign up day. Now we are back to drivel. Let's go see what is in that folder of things called *For the blog*
This is something I already posted and I did at least one envelope with this type of lettering.
Another fun Halloween envelope, and the 'Loch Ness Monster' style lettering is amazing.