Saturday, December 7, 2024

Oct from Grace and Mike

 Grace found a shade of blue that works for a witchy night sky - and she still has some pumpkin stamps. I wish the USPS would reissue those stamps. They are both adorable and versatile. Maybe I should plan a visit to my local vintage stamp dealer ---- if I stock up for next year, maybe they will come out with a fabulous new Halloween stamp next year to make me regret I stocked up on pumpkins....except he packs up and goes to Arizona after Thanksgiving - so, I'll have to wait until spring.

This is from a pen pal - Mike - it's a good pairing with Grace's - orange and that shade of blue is such a nice combo.


There was no add-on today - but a few of my November envelopes were super slow to arrive. A couple took 2 weeks to travel less than 10 miles - so, I am going to remind everyone that dark envelopes seem to delay things. Also, script instead of block printing might contribute to slowness. The name can be as elaborate or innovative as you like. It can say *Occupant.* All the PO really needs is the street and the ZIP code. If those two items are clear - and the scanner can read it - it will get a bar code and be on its merry way.

Of course, this time of year, with the volume - some of the easy to read mail ends up sitting on a truck because there is literally no space left inside the stations to unload more mail. They often have narrow walkways for the postal workers. It's like Tetris or some kind of puzzle - or maybe log jam is the best way to describe it.

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