Her address:
Sheila Waters
851 Boyle Road
Fairfield, PA 17320
Pennsylvania - if you want to spell it out.
For a visual I'm adding a birthday greeting that came from Maureen for Viola - you need to see it in real life to appreciate how tiny the drawing is. It is hand colored - looks like colored pencil - high quality pencils because the colors are very bright. The other Viola envelopes will pop up in May.
Maureen's italics are Sheila-worthy. If you do not have any calligraphic skill - don't worry - Sheila is one of those kind souls who appreciates the value of doing things by hand.
OK - Blogger is messed up right now - I'll try to come back and insert the photo the regular way. Not sure what's going on. I just inserted it with drag and drop - and it looks OK --

Thank you for posting the info about Shelia!! I was lucky enough to take an italic class/workshop from her in the early 90's (i believe it was called "Fine Tuning Italic").
ReplyDeleteAlso, I agree about Maureen's lettering -- I got a similar env. from her last month, and was SO impressed with her tiny italic! Even her note inside it was written in that tiny italic!