this envelope also arrived last week. it is from my local penpal who has three kids under 5 and still manages to write one snail mail letter every day. she appreciates how much fun it is to get mail and is helping to keep the activity alive. i am so tempted to share the antics of her 3 kids, but will refrain. i believe the technique on this envelope is to have some children, grow them for a while and then give them markers and have them scribble a base design. then outline it and write over the top. she mentioned in the letter that she was not all that thrilled with the address portion. it is just fine, but i can make one observation that might be helpful. the address is mostly flush left, except that JEAN and the zip code are indented. I suspect that after she wrote jean, she worried that wilson might be too long for her space. it would have been fine. imho, keeping flush left exactly flush always looks good. thanks penpal...
oh wow! I was surprised to see the envelope make it to the blog. I haven't visited in awhile, so it took some scrolling through lots of envelopes as I was trying to pick up where I left off. I appreciate the suggestion! I have a few more scribbles that were intended for grandparents from my little artist waiting here under the mountains of papers on my desk. It seems like I have 3 kids 5 and under, but I technically have 3 kids 3.5 and under. :) So, that is why it is so late, and I am working on lettering in peace and quiet. :)