I received a nice email from my new penpal who sent the fun mail a couple weeks ago. She was kind enough to tell us how she lettered the card and envelope that I posted on Sept 8th...and reposted here.
Here are her comments:
In reply to the "how did she do that?" remarks: "Love your blog" is done with a #6 parallel pen filled with walnut ink. The pen-manipulated script is "Bone" and you will find an exemplar in Jacqueline Svaren's "Written Letters" book. Parallel pens are the wonderful tool available from Paper & Ink Arts, as well as John Neal! Your name was written with a parallel pen onto the white #10 envelope first, then it was covered with a yellow glaze: Golden Acrylic Satin Glazing Liquid, mixed with a yellow Golden Acrylic, applied with a cosmetic sponge. Next I used the "positives" from Neuland stencils that I've made from old file folders, and stamped around the letters with another layer of glaze (blue), then I think I added another glaze layer, then with a monoline Pigma black pen, outlined the large letters and wrote your address! I love creating layers and layers of colors using the glazing liquids, and together with my two favorite scripts: Neuland and "Bone" resulted in your envelope!
She added in a second email:
Oh, and as an extra thought to my "how-to", I may have used one of my large "Automatic" pens with the walnut ink for the "Love your blog"......after all the mailings I do, sometimes it's hard to keep track.
Then she added this in a second email:
more blog readers need to send REAL MAIL.
Yes, it would be great fun to share more mail from others. I know some of you are thinking that you will never send me a piece of mail because you would not want it posted on a blog. I understand... so, just promise me that if you are too shy to send me an envelope, just be sure to send someone an envelope. It is so much fun to get mail. And, if you do send something to me, I will never put your name on the blog.
Thanks again to my penpal who shared her technique with us. I also appreciate how much time you spent on it.