here is a poster by oskar kokashka. i'll have to research and find out if this was done before or after rudolf koch designed neuland in 1928. i found this image on a blog that is all in french, so i can't figure out the dates. for all i know, koch designed the poster because as we all know kokoschka was also wrote plays. well, we don't have time for research. instead, we will just use this image to inspire some cool envelopes and hope that it isn't against the law to repost images from some other blog. if some alert reader wants to tell me that i should not do this, i will remove it.
hi jean...i found a similar poster, a self- portrait, dated 1910 at this site:
for those who may not know, jean was my second calligraphy teacher and my longest teacher...not just in art
i continue to learn reading this blog
jean, your the best
oh, katy, we need to start a mutual admiration blog. i have told many students that i learn as much from the students as they learn from me. thanks for researching for me. i think that neuland was *happening* long before the 1928 date that is given as the birthday for neuland.
ReplyDeleteand the envelope that you do not want me to post to the blog has so much foreshadowing of this oskar series. are you sure you won't let me post it just so people can see how penpals can read minds across thousands of miles?
if it is the one with the upside down fish, go ahead