this was done with a marker, then outlined with a black gel pen and then dotted with a silver gel pen. a lot of scribes scream at a cross-bar on a J. i don't know why. they don't bother me. i think i like them better when the whole letter is not too tall. we'll have to have some in depth discussion about crossing the J. i am a lot pickier about when it is OK to put the crossbars at the top and bottom of an I.
the outlining of marker letters is fun to do. squaring off the ends gives the letters so much personality. remember to turn the page as you do the outlining. your hand likes to go back and forth. your whole arm is better at moving up and down.
it is so different for me to see these on the screen. i notice the curves on every letter, except the *i* are similar. then i look at the davis and wish i would have been a little more careful. another thing to look at is how the letters are not straight up and down. after we get through the whole alphabet, we will talk about tilting the letters. it doesn't take a lot of tilting to make the letters fun. and look at the spacing, the k-i space is a little too close. and, i often make the last letter a tiny bit larger. it's like a bookend for the whole name.