Friday, March 7, 2025

Bonus Post - Art & Found Day

 Today's regular post is below this one.

OOOPS - I forgot to add the link

Jeanette sent this to me at least a month ago - and it's been buried on my desk. I love the idea - and even though March 12 is supposed to be the official Art and Found Day - I'm pretty sure anyone with extra artwork could send their art out into the world whenever they felt like it.

The concept is to wrap up a piece of artwork, put an *Art and Found* label on it (download and print off the label) and then leave it somewhere for someone to find. You can take a photo of where you leave it. You can also leave your name and contact info - and you can participate in all kinds of social media options if you want to network with other people who are sending their art out in to the world for other to find. It looks like it was originated in 2022.

Here is just a portion of the info at the website:

We recommend leaving your artworks in high traffic areas such as busy streets, transit hubs, parks and condo or retail lobbies. Also consider leaving your work off the ground to ensure it doesn’t get damaged and is easily seen, such as on benches, ledges, or hung from poles, signs, trees, etc. Watch our 2021 video for more ideas.

It's a clever idea --- you can read more at the website. There are people all over the world participating. Some have registered with the group - but, I'm sure it's fine to just put stuff out there anonymously. If I decide to do this, I am going to wrap it in something transparent. I think people should be choosing things based on whether they like it. If they open it and they don't like it - they might just throw it away.

Thank you, Jeanette, for sending this.
Today's regular post is below.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Jean for the mention of art and found. It is a great way to brighten a day for someone, I think, and doing art keeps one young and creative, which is good thing.
