Here is a fun game that nobody else liked, but I did. My older son was in town for a 20 year HS reunion. On the last day, he was restless and the younger son was joining us for a meal - and the conversation was going nowhere. So I gave everyone a paper and pencil and told them to write the names of all 50 states - and we'd see who could do it fastest. The boys both went to Montessori and between 3 and 6 - they were fascinated with maps of the world.
They were not eager to play my map game - but they humored me. I had fun. Three of us forgot Minnesota. Two of us forgot Nebraska. Bizarre that we would forget our neighbors. Then we checked off which states we had visited. Then we got into a big debate whether transferring planes in a state counts as actually visiting the state. We had to include a third category besides [yes] or [no]. I think we called it [layover].
Note to self: adult children do not like pop quizzes.
I'm impressed your adult children would even humor you in a quiz of this type! I know mine wouldn't..unless there was possibly a monetary prize involved! Curious how people go about naming the states...geographically or alphabetically? Or is there another option?