Patty enclosed a note expressing a bit of disappointment in how the label turned out. I have been having the same problem. I did several dark envelopes with white labels that I did not even take photos of. Both Patty and I are tired of dealing with the dark envelopes and inks that won't stick - and lack of contrast that the scanners won't read.
So, this has inspired me to tackle the problem like a professional. I always remember what I liked about Project Runway. It was all about throwing problems at designers. And sometimes, the designers would make some choices that backfired big time. Sometimes they would crash and burn - but other times, the layer of problem after problem would inspire them to come up with a wildly exciting solution.
So - that's my mission. Figure out something that works on dark envelopes. Stay tuned.
Well, this is funny - it is still Jan 26th -- so the add-on blurb below was written before I wrote this one.
I have come around, full circle to the 6 add ons that I did this morning. I filled up February - and then I went back and photographed the January envelopes.... and it is almost 4 pm. I have taken breaks to do laundry and fix food - but this is probably the longest I have ever spent on the blog in one day. Hopefully they aren't full of wacko stuff that I have to replace...
As I write this on Jan 26th, and see that I am less than a month ahead on scheduling the posts - I could do 6 posts in row during my morning coffee and maybe they will be OK. I'll start with random items that I email to myself at my storage unit email. It's my version of hoarding.
Clover sent me a link to an archive - which I have already posted (the one about snowmen) - but here it is again:
LINK to public domain images
This is one of the books that jumped out at me - not for the title - it was the image. And I was delighted to find that it is a book of dance notations. This is the first line in the blurb about it:
First published in 1701, Choregraphie details an early dance notation system invented in the 1680s at the court of Louis XIV.
I was so excited to see it - because several years ago, I was with my grandkids and met one of their baby sitters. She was so interesting - and her main gig was dancing. She was about to leave to work on one of those cruise ships for. a year. I had never met a professional dancer and I remembered asking her if there was some kind of system for writing down dance moves. She said, "No, we use videos." I didn't probe further - but wondered what people did before video taping. I was also not on top of my research game and forgot to Google the questions. So, it was fun to find the answer to a very old question.
I saved a couple images and thought I would use them on some envelopes. Then, I deleted them because I have too many ideas. Maybe someone who has a leftover dancer stamp will try this.
Scroll down at the link to see more pages - like this one - which is interesting - but too much for an envelope. Many of the others would work for a border.