Friday, November 1, 2024

Sept from Irene - November exchange sign-up

 Holy cow - this is spectacular. Irene signed up for a class with Kathy Milici. I've met Kathy a couple times - long ago at conferences. It's been fun to watch her presence in the calligraphy community grow. From time to time I have conversations with people who started in traditional calligraphy and now find it difficult to loosen up. I always forget to mention Kathy as someone who seems to have figured out how to do it. She's also skilled at teaching it.  LINK to Kathy's Instagram

Time for the November exchange sign-up.

Today through November 4th is the window to sign-up. Lists are sent on the 5th.

If you participated in the October exchange - just shoot me an email that says: SIGN ME UP - you do not need to retype your address and info.

Let me know if it is your [Birthday] month or if you are willing to be on [2 Lists].

If you were not on the October list - or only sign up occasionally - or are a new exchanger - please send your information in the following format:

Jane Doe
123 Oak Street
Ames, IA 50010
[Birthday]  [2 Lists]

If you are new - here is a link with details about how the exchange works.

LINK to how the exchange works