Monday, October 16, 2023

From Mary and Mia - Oct 2022

Mary wondered what kind of ink I used on the orange vellum envelopes. It is McCaffrey's. Yes - it does sit on top of the vellum - so it has a raised feel. For some reason - Blogger is not allowing me to reply to comments - grrr

Here is another fun combo of the raven stamp with a raven motif - from Mary. She included the card, below, with a cute lion. I think she does her artwork and scans it and prints it - she must have a better than average printer. Or maybe better paper. It's been so long since I had a good printer, I can't even remember what it was like. Maybe it's just as well - I can get very distracted if I have access to good printing.

The one above came inside the one below - and there must have been an explanation - and they are probably in a stack that I could find if I started looking - but, I'm focused on filling up this week of envelopes from 2023. I like those little images. It reminds me of a very detailed alphabet I did several years ago - I should figure out what year that was - and link to the series.

One of my favorite ways to embellish names -- line above - line below - color in the spaces. I guess we've talked about this style of lettering and it's often referred to as Clothesline caps....and attributed to Carol Pallesen. Try a search (for clothesline caps) on the blog if you have not seen them before. 



  1. Those are neat Halloween letters and I love the leaves on the brown envelope. No idea who did them?

  2. Hi Mary, Thanks. Jean had sent me an exemplar of the closeline caps and I wanted to mail my attempt back to her but Halloween coincided, so I put one inside the other -- the bottom two envelopes shown here. (I sent in an earlier comment, but it never materialized, so I'm trying again)
