Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Two from Grace - more PhD talk

Grace does such pretty work - it's hard to imagine that someone could program a computer to do something like this. Thanks to the USPS for not doing the Sharpie slash. I call it that - even though it's usually a grease pencil. Grrrr

Yesterday I was talking in circles about computer art - and I hesitate to put any limits on what constitutes *art.* The part where someone gets a PhD and can call themselves Dr is where I start waffling. But, deep down, I know that it doesn't really matter. I think I learned that the degrees are just *information.* They tell us that a person has gone to school. Beyond that, they might be highly educated and enlightened -or- they could just as easily be an arrogant buffoon who is only reminding us to not be like them. 

So maybe someone could spend their entire life plugged into electronics and never once touch a marker or a paintbrush - and they could be a lovely person who churns out great art. And who decides what's great and what is not great? It's not like anyone/everyone ever agrees on that.

This concludes my conversation with myself - which may or may not make any sense. All I know is that I did not get around to saying what I meant to talk about - so I will do that tomorrow.

Here's another lovely example of Grace's work that Amy shared with us.

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