
Saturday, July 2, 2016

saturday post

thank you to everyone who left comments on thursday and friday. i, too, would check the blog every morning during my coffee time. and i always enjoyed comments. i appreciate hearing from you.

i am relieved to hear that the reason smash girl had disappeared (from exchanges) was that she was moving. welcome back. smash girl was the person who saved the blog from complete extinction in 2013

these two posts describes the other time that i thought i needed either a break or an end

shortly after the mail from smash - i heard from finnbadger. the two of them really kept my batteries charged - for 3 more years. and it's not that i'm worn out, it's that i put too many other things on the back burner and now i have some chaos that needs to be addressed.

the artwork today is by Peter Thornton. he was the first rockstar-scribe who arrived to teach a workshop. i later drove into chicago to take another workshop and also hosted him for another local workshop. his work is all over the internet and he is still teaching. you can even take classes from him at his studio - although i don't know how you find out about them. maybe miss cathy will tell us. i think she took a workshop with him recently.

1 comment:

  1. Peter just taught a week long class with Jurgen Vercaemst at the Show of Hands 2016 in Asheville, NC. I believe he offers a 3 day workshop on gilding at his home near Chattanooga from time to time. Send an email to if you would like his email address.
    Now I must take a nap because I just got home from Asheville. It was fabulous!
