
Monday, November 11, 2024

Sept from Maggie - pencils and other stuff


Maggie's envelopes remind us how far we can take things when we sign up for classes. Once again, I can tell she's taken some classes - but how many? and over how many years? Maybe I should send out a survey with all these questions. My preference would be for that grand tour of the US where I meander in a big loop and visit all my pen pals and grill them  interview them in person. That is a genius idea, but, I'm probably not going to get a MacArthur Genius grant to fund my expedition. Maybe I should get a budding filmmaker to do a documentary and launch a Kickstarter campaign to fund the two of us showing up at your front door. 

Here's a video on why yellow was the go-to color for pencils and also a link to the master-rabbit-hole of videos about how many things are made - a topic that is endlessly fascinating to me. If you scroll through the master list - you may learn about the difference between the No. 1 pencil and the No. 2 pencil as well as where those pink erasers came from.

A rerun from 2012. The stamp is a pencil sharpener.

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