
Sunday, November 10, 2024

Sept from Cathy - Icelandic horse video

A good example of how simple and straight-forward can be sublime.

I've corresponded with Cathy long enough to know that Cathy's skills have been honed in quite a few lessons with the rock stars in calligraphy. The style on the insert is quite different from the uber-disciplined italics on the envelope. I would have to dig through my file to find the card and try to figure out if the card is something Cathy did or if it is a commercial card. But, figuring that out won't make a difference. Since I am on a binge of delving into people and the types of classes or workshops they have taken - I can't really think of examples of Cathy's work that are loose. So my guess is that this is not her work.  As a reward for getting 5 more posts written, I will do a search on the blog and see if there are loose examples from Cathy that I am forgetting.

Of course that little *initial* in the corner might be a clue that this is not Cathy's work...

Real time update, I did not get around to doing that search.

An off-topic add-on - for people who like horses and/or Iceland

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