
Friday, July 5, 2024

To Skip from Leslie - a little rant


This one from Leslie is so perfect for Skip. I love the colorful mountains - and turning his S into his path. I'm writing this on the day before the summer solstice and he is going to get to enjoy it in Iceland. They are currently getting 21 hours of daylight. Shout out to the USPS for perfect cancel placement and restraining yourselves from making an ink mark across the stamp.

I have not had a good ol' rant for a while. In the news on June 19 was this:

  • What to know: Astronomers had been watching a galaxy far, far away for a long time. It seemed unremarkable — but, in December 2019, it suddenly started shining bright.
  • So what’s going on? A black hole appears to be waking up and sucking in gas, creating a light show, an upcoming paper says. But it could be something else, like a star being torn apart.

IMHO, scientists are wildly boring in their guesses about what they are seeing through their impressively large telescopes. Personally, I think it's aliens who are just celebrating and they have better fireworks than we do. They are celebrating that they have in fact infiltrated the earth using *technology* and while we think we are so clever and innovative, they are chuckling at how easy it was to sneak in and run the show. 

Feel free to submit some even better theories about what this faraway bright light could be.

And in case you missed it - the theory is that either something is being created or something is being torn apart. What they are saying is: Uhhhh....we saw something and it could be anything. <eye rolling>

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