
Saturday, February 5, 2022

J's stacked Debbie

The story of how I ended up with 500 free envelopes has probably been posted. They are the shimmer ones. I use them when I want to experiment but I can only experiment with Sharpie. I think that Mike Gold had some online classes that I have already linked too where people set the marker down on the paper and then *took a walk* and created names without lifting the marker. I'm too lazy to find what I wrote, but if you do not recall, you can do a search (on the blog) for Mike Gold and something should pop up. 

So, I was thinking of doing my version by stacking the letters. I did pencil versions that looked very promising. So, I tried a bold Sharpie. The pencils roughs were a little better than the inked versions - but, I like these well enough to keep trying. On this one, the first Debbie was so bad, I figured I would have to toss it - so I did a second one - just for practice. Then, when I looked at the two of them together - it had some potential. Instead of filling in the space on the left, I filled across the top.

A while back, I saw something with a name from left to right and then the color filled in at the top. I thought I saved it but I can't find it. Sometimes it is better to just lose the stealworthy item - and go off whatever vague image is stuck in your head. 

This isn't an ideal stamp -- but I actually like this enough to try some more.

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