
Sunday, February 6, 2022

J's monster to Chuck, stacked Kate

Chuck deserves better than this. That monster stamp does not have teeth. I have a perfect monster-mouth-font - but, my patience for drawing seems to be on a sabbatical. The one below is OK. There is a huge difference between 4-letter names and 5-letter names. At least her T falls in the middle so that it does not present the JANEt problem. Is anyone keeping track of my analysis of which letters *work* and which letters don't? I'm not sure I explain it in a helpful way, but when you are composing something, there are parts that need to work together. 

I think Kate's needs a wider band of black on the left, but it is too late now to do anything about it. I probably did this one first and realized that I needed to use a bolder marker - and that was true.

The A would have been nicer if it had a squared off top instead of a pointy top.


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