
Monday, January 24, 2022

Mia's Dec envelope - rough exemplar

Fairly new exchanger, Mia, from Canada has a highly stealworthy idea. Put a question in one corner and the answer in another corner. Filling up the envelope with words is one of my favorite ideas that lurks in the background and should get more attention. The tree detail is adorable and I love the stamp. Her spelling out of forty-fourth caught my eye. I've always wondered why the U is dropped in forty - but not in fourth. Does anyone know?


I made a huge effort to fill up January yesterday -which was Dec 31st. It is now early on the 1st and I have only 4 or 5 dates in Jan to fill. Right after I wrote the post about embracing chaos, I switched to clearing off the folders on my lap-top-desk-top - and UN-BEE-LEAVE-UH-BUL - I found the 2020 October and Dec exchange envelopes. Those are the ones that I usually save and run the following year. Obviously, the chaotic events of 2021 contributed - but it feels good to have found them since I know I had done some searching.  So now I have envelopes for Oct and Dec of 2022.

Unless I lose them again.


Mia asked for a full alphabet that was on the red envelope a couple days ago. I used the double tip ZIG writer and the larger tip is not ideal. Plus, I had not warmed up. The writing on the bottom with the smaller tip gives a better idea of what it should look like. Sharpie on really nice paper - which is what the gold on red was - is a whole different (and wonderful) feel. So, finding something new that works - is never about the exemplar alone - it's about using the right materials. I'll see about getting a better exemplar. Or maybe a video. 

There are a lot of notations - on the letters that are wonky. I need a name for this font - because it is my own - that has evolved. The A, M & W are probably appropriated from things I've seen. If anyone has any ideas for a name, let me know. I call my own personal script style - Jean-arian - a riff on Spencerian.


1 comment:

  1. I recall that you liked envelopes with lots of wording, so thought I would try my hand at it. I have many "ugs" of my own! The Q should have been way, way larger - or I think at least the entire size of the question block, which also should have much larger lettering in relation to your name, etc etc but I'm thrilled you like it. I even managed to snap up the last of these very fine Maud Lewis U.S. stamps issued last winter by Canada Post, and I saved them for December envelopes.

    Thank you so much for the alphabet of Jean-arian -- I love those confident strokes, the O swirl, the projection from the leg of the R -- the A, M loops - in short, everything. A video would be fantastic if and when you can muster up the time.
