
Sunday, January 23, 2022

JanetW's Dec env (aesthetic torture)

 JanetW, not to be confused with Janet - who is an exchanger - sent this in Dec. I got a kick out of her little note on the card suggesting that she messed up on the envelope. I can't figure our what part she considers *messed up.* It looks fine to me. I was surprised how well that stamp looks with red and green. It's not something I would have even pondered, but I like it a lot.


This rant was tacked on to another topic that seemed too long so I bumped it ahead. 

I guess everyone obsesses about something. Artists tend to obsess about aesthetic things. If I were to go into deep Freudian analysis and discuss the issues I had with my mother about those navy blue socks that she forced me to wear with my red shoes (when I was 4 or 5 years old), I am sure the Freudian analyst would come up with some theory - but I am also sure the analyst (unless he or she was also a full blown artist) would actually miss the whole point. 

Whenever I relate stories with a fellow artist - about the *aesthetic torture* that my mom subjected me to - we start sharing stories from our childhood where we were so desperately misunderstood. Many of these stories were also shared by my students when I was teaching. It was sad that some people were not able to work through the issue and put it to rest. Hopefully, none of my readers are still suffering. If you are, feel free to pop an email in this direction and maybe I can offer some tips for how to leave that particular baggage out at the curb. Or if we need to drive all the way to the landfill, we can do that.


WiFi tip: Mr Wilson spent 4 days try to figure out the WiFi problem. Finally, a nice lady on the phone asked: Is your modem sitting on the floor. Yes - it was. She said, move it off the floor. Voila. It's fixed. I'm seldom interested is the *why* behind any of this stuff. But, this time, I'm actually curious. Let's see if the BigHelpfulBrother has the answer.


  1. Maybe there were things near the modem when it was sitting on the floor that blocked the signals. WI-FI signals seem to be like AM radio signals and need to travel in straight lines with no interference. That's my guess

  2. CJ is probably on the right track. WiFi *is* radio. If you are having issues, pay attention to how much "stuff" is in a straight line between the modem and your device; the more there is -- especially metal -- the more attenuation (weakening) of the signal strength.
    BHB --

  3. Thank you, tech-desk helpers. I do not even know the difference between a modem and a router -- none of it makes any sense to me. I'm just happy to have my connections, both literal (technology) and virtual (people).

  4. I love this env.!! Fun lettering and i love the I. Gonna have to try it (or as you would say, Jean, "stealworthy"!
