
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Rachael's corners to Patty and Lauren - Sept (Ranting about HoardReductionRegret)

I took a break from posting the Rachael's corner envelopes because we don't like to see the same thing day after day. These were done later in the whole series. At first I was sticking close to the style of lettering that Rachael had used. I guess I can rerun that photo. When I got around to using up the illustrator stamps, I thought the colors on the red one were so pretty and knew I had a broad edge marker in that color. I also like the lighter color on the corner design.

Lauren should feel honored that she got the treasured American Gothic stamps. It was really hard to part with them. But, the stamp addict part of my brain keeps telling the other part that the only path to peace of mind is to resolve the stamp hoarding. I suppose addicts have these kinds of thoughts. Will I have regrets when they are all gone?

One more note on whether or not to make the first initial taller...I don't think the L does well when it is a drop cap. At least not with that style.


The daily rant

I'm sure I have speculated that some of you just like the blog because it is comforting to know that you are functioning at a higher level that I am. Some of you do not have hoards so, you probably just snicker at those of us who do. And now that the stamp hoard is gone, I am working on the cards and envelopes. 


I thought I was bad at the stamps. The cards are even worse. I did not even see the movie Sophie's Choice but, I'm sure I out-Meryl that mom when I am gazing at some of these cards and attempting to send them away. Some of them are holiday cards from the 70s and they were cards that my mom sent - but she saved one of each because she loved them so much and we'd get them out and look at them. It's idiotic. 

Why am I sharing this? I don't know. Maybe I am experimenting with how it feels to expose myself as a lunatic. My apologies if that word is now considered offensive. If anyone wants to send me the PC word for lunatic, please do.

I will spare you my rant about how hard it is to keep up on which words are OK and not OK. If I even wrote out the examples - it might backfire. 

P.S. I remembered Google - and just checked to see what's online about the use of the word lunatic. Plenty of good reading - just Google:  Is lunatic a bad word -- and there are tons of articles. (Mostly it is considered archaic. I'm happy to be considered archaic.)



  1. Hi Jean I say, HOLD onto at least some of the Holiday cards and use them for decorations. Pin/staple to a ribbon cascading down and hand on wall or tree. It is a tangible reminder OK to keep "stuff", not hoarding

  2. All the envelopes in this post are lovely. I disagree with you - I think the larger L works fine.
