
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

From Leslie to Nancy - dots (Minor rant - it could be worse)

Leslie says:

 Inspired by an IG env. with the Celebration stamps on astrobrights paper.

Jean says:
I'm liking the loosening of the dotty pattern. A lot of us were going for pretty symmetrical dots and maybe it's better to let them go a little wild.


I have heard from a few people who have a lot to rant about.
So, if your life is just dull and you are tired of staying home, trust me - 
there are worse things than staying home and missing out on holiday traditions.

Did I even mention my friend with wrinkles on her retinas? 
Something else that I'd never heard of.
It's a wait and see situation -- but - geesh -- what next?

It's not unusual to cope with hardship by thinking of things that could be worse.
But then thinking of things that are worse can be a slippery slope.
Is there a remedy.
Here comes my broken record:
putter at your desk.

I've been a really long slump and was not sure I would ever come up with any more good ideas. 
I decided that the issues of the day were bigger issues than my ho-hum creativity and assigned myself the task of doing all my Nov and Dec exchange envelopes as fast as possible.
I actually came up with some ideas that I like.
There is no way to know if they will please me down the road - but for most of one day, I was having fun and enjoying the change of pace.
Just for fun --
here is a sneak peek at the one that started the fun.
It is too hard to read - and I will probably add some more details.
I ended up doing 9 more.

I sure wish I had some fake postal cancellation rubber stamps. 
That would be cooler than heck.

5:21 am - today
Rats. I just got up and read the blog and see that I left an A out of Rachael's name. And I mailed this a couple days ago. Sorry Rachael.


  1. oh, me likey!! Is that a stamp you used for the "stamp" pattern? And love the name, as it just gave ME an idea!! (is it hand-drawn?) I'll send you a pic of my idea, if it turns out.

    I've had my fair share of misspelling of names too, so you're not alone!

    You're up at 5:20??? Ugh. I'm so not a morning person. (although today I was wide awake at 3 am. Finally fell back asleep at 5.) I'm usually b4 7, but I love to sleep in.

    1. Yup, I'm an early riser (early to bed as well)
      I have two rubber stamps, one square and one rectangle - that have the postage stamp edge. To make the black lines, I just pressed the zigzag edge of the stamp into the ink pad. I have three different lengths - the square is longest, then the rectangle has a medium and a short length.

      I look forward to seeing your idea as well as the image you mention in the other comment.

  2. oh, and one more thing, if anyone is looking for a design to use with the Celebration stamps, there is a nice spaced-out one I saved from the po catalog. I'll scan in and send to you, as I can't find it online yet.
