
Thursday, June 4, 2020

From Nancy L to Jill - Apr

Another big thank you to NancyL for sending me an image for the blog.
After thinking I might retire from envelopes, it occurs to me that I could just stop trying to come up with ideas and just do my own versions of the ones I post.
That's pretty much all I've said for the past 5 years - steal ideas from the blog.
Sometimes the most obvious things are sitting right in front of us.

And here is an idea -- if you want to exchange, you have to send an envelope to me even though I am not on the list. Do you think anyone would NOT-sign-up because they did not want to send an envelope for which they would not get one in return?


On Tuesday, I was wishing I had a way to scroll back and find a particular envelope - and wondered how many posts I had -- and when I clicked on the stats -- the number 4500 popped up.
So, I missed the celebration for 4500. Maybe I will remember to celebrate 5000.

1 comment:

  1. I send envelopes all the time without any expectation of a return! (even when I sign up for exchanges!) Just because I love to create mail art so much. Of course I love to receive happy mail as well, but I have so many ideas and supplies (except stamps!) that if I can brighten someone's day with an envelope, then that makes me happy to do so! :)
