
Friday, June 5, 2020

A reminder from ME (no envelopes)

I follow Mary Engelbreit [ME] on Instagram. She posts frequently and does not hold back with her opinions. I feel sorry for her because her first grandchild is less than a year old.  So Mary is missing out on spending time with little Lola. Those first two years are so precious.

Mary shares a lot of work in progress and I noticed her wording on this drawing:
"...the layouts will be based on vintage book covers."

"Based on" is another way of saying -- adapting ideas from other artists. So, once again, if you are just staring into space, trying to come up with an idea. STOP IT! Go look at something. 
That is where ideas come from.

It is April 15, 2020 as I write this. It's Wednesday. I've noted some serious mental impairment in other people and also noticing it in myself. Nothing dangerous. But, yowza. 
We are not in Kansas anymore, Toto.

Here are some images I found on my desktop. They were going to inspire me to do something similar but I have completely lost interest in any kind of writing. Still hooked on sewing.

This one is from John Stevens.
Maroon has been one of my favorite word to use when I don't want to say the specific word.

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