
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sunday Rabbit Hole - Elisabeth Couloigner - in France

KateR was hoping to get some lessons in writing with a folded pen. This popped up and it s good example of doing your basic strokes with a ruling writer or folded pen. You might want to surf around on Elisabeth's blog - lots of lovely stuff.

The drunk of letters

I'm wondering whether *drunk* is the word she intended.

These are all from her Jan 11, 2020 post. I'm writing this on Jan 15 - so - you might have to scroll down to see this post. Obviously these next two are right up my alley.

Beware: She has a gazillion links on her blog.

1 comment:

  1. L'IVRE de Couleurs et Lettres is the French title.
    If you hear the first word L'IVRE without seeing or reading this word you would understand BOOK. The French word for book is written LIVRE.
    Seeing or reading the word L'IVRE means DRUNK (intoxication).
    This is a play on words.
    My translation might be The intoxication of letters and colors.
    Catherine from Paris France
