
Monday, April 6, 2020

Bister Inks from CathyO

CathyO has some Bister Inks (from John Neal) and they are g.o.r.g.e.o.u.s. Plus she has time (or makes time) to work on her formal calligraphy. Since I include all skill levels on the blog - I will note here that this is high skill level. I do not ever point out non-high skill level. But, it might be nice for beginners to know which stuff is the good stuff. In the past, the BigHelpfulBrother and I have had some very strange conversations where he points to something that he likes - and then I make an observation about the skill level - and he can't see the differences in skill-levels. So, if the whole topic of skill levels goes against your grain, try to forget today's comments. If you want to be oblivious to skill levels, that's fine with me. You may run into others who will debate the issue. Just smile and nod your head. Inside, you can enjoy the secret confidence of knowing that some people have time to hone skill and other do not -- but no matter where you are on the spectrum, you should feel good that skill level is not as important as the fact that you take time to do something that you enjoy.

Andy Warhol says the same thing using fewer words.

It is hard to find who did the art one sees on Pinterest. This image led me to Tomasz Zarachowitcz
He has all kinds of fun stuff - although I did not find that exact image - so it might not be his.

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