
Sunday, September 2, 2018

Trip Report - off topic

Off topic - regular post below.

Yesterday there was a photo of my pen pal Marji in front of a NYC P.O.

The August exchange sign-up post mentioned that I was heading out of town for a couple weeks to my homeland. The only P.O. I photographed was the one in Winifred Montana. It is a town of 500-600 people about 3 hours north of Billings. A native son of Winifred did very well (after he moved to Oklahoma) and has been donating some lovely buildings to Winifred.

The post office is multi-use. The line of lettering under the *Winifred Community Center* says:
Museum Library Fire Hall City Hall Ambulence
The museum has the world's largest collection of Tonka toys. They are only missing one. And I have forgotten which one. Dang. I should have written it down.

The rest of the town is pictured below. It's really remote. North of this town is gravel road for 25 miles - then the Missouri River - then more gravel - Indian reservations - Canada.

One of my travel companions noted: As you drive through rural Montana, there is evidence of people and work being done (recently harvested wheat fields and bales of hay for livestock) but you never see any people and only one or two other vehicles per half hour. If anyone is looking for *the end of the road* - this is it. No need to go to Alaska.

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