
Monday, September 3, 2018

May PTEX from Janet

Janet had the Cinco de Mayo stamps - I remember how much I loved them when they came out. If I had time I could dig back and find some early examples on the blog. I do regret that I did not do a tag on every post with the name of the stamp so that I could pull up sets of envelopes based on the stamp. Dang - that would have been so cool. But - there are over 3500 envelopes - and if I went back and labeled 10 a day it would take me almost a year to complete that task. That sounds very doable. The part that is not-doable is the part where I remember each day to go back and re-label 10 posts....

Big chunky lettering with outlines.....and tight spacing...with white space.
A tried and true recipe.
Stamp placement is also way better than putting them in the corner and keeping them square with the edges.

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