
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Stack management (to Smash & Cindy Aug exch)

Two more that were pulled out of the stack of half-done-needs-a-stamp-and-a-name.

On at least half of these I was very happy with the stamp and then botched the lettering.

WHY do i put the stamp on before I letter the address.


7 pets left in the book of pet stamps....


  1. I think when we are used to a work flow we can't seemingly stop ourselves from doing it the same way every time. Here's a story that goes the other way - waiting until the very end for the stamps.

    I got all my envelopes done and as always, I waited until the last minute to put the stamps on (I usually have JUST enough stamps - so I'm paranoid about it). It was the August Exchange and I took pics of each envelope before I mailed them. 2 or 3 days later, I was showing the pics to a friend and noticed one of them did NOT have postage! I panicked, because I knew for certain it was mailed that way.

    I contacted the recipient and amazingly - it was delivered WITHOUT any postage! I was happy it was delivered, but my paranoia in waiting til the last minute for postage, could have bad consequences too!

  2. I always wait until I'm finished with the envelope before putting the stamp on it. With non exchange envelopes, I have frequently been upset because there isn't enough room for the stamp I want to use. The stamp will cover up part of the lettering.
