
Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Nov 2022 from Sydney - Tip one - like items

Well, this is going to drive me crazy. I know I have seen this lettering somewhere. But where? Maybe Sydney will tell us. Or maybe someone else recognizes it. I love it. I hope to try it -- it's so lovely. 


We are finally getting to the tips for restoring order - or if there has never been order -- adopting an exciting new and orderly lifestyle.

Tip 1.

 Keep like items (ALL of them) in the same place. It's so easy to fill a space and have some leftovers and then look for a place to tuck them - but it's impossible to remember where all your paper is if it is spread around in 5 different places. Granted - there are different sizes of paper - so you need to factor that in -- but - figuring out a way to keep all the like items together is essential. This is why Marie Kondo insists that you never buy your storage containers until you have figured out what size container you need for whatever LIKE ITEMS you have decided to keep.

This is not exactly easy - but I'm here to tell you that it is helpful and also IMHO essential. And don't forget to keep lists of where you are putting your stuff. I've had a heck of a time trying to remember where things are. But, that might be a side effect of my brain issues.

The only exception would be when you need to store the large sheets of 24x36 paper in a different place from all the 8.5x11 and 9x12 paper. You are allowed two places for things that are wildly different sizes.

There is a second level advantage to doing this. You allot a certain amount of space to each item and if you start over-collecting and a space is full, you are required to edit. You may not put the overflow into a space that is not an official space for that item.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you like it! I'm sorry; I don't know what it's called. I found it on Pinterest and it doesn't have the name of the font in the description, but I asked for the name. I'll let you know if anyone responds. (;
