
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Nov 2022 from Susan - The hoarding/organization topic (digression)

I ran a photo - previously - that Susan was kind enough to send - of all her November envelopes - but it's fun to see these two a little bigger. I still have a full sheet -- and hope to think of something as good as this - but it's going to be hard.

Even though I digressed yesterday, I didn't want to delete anything because I figured it might make sense to a couple readers who grew up in a house with people who didn't really understand their art (and art supply hoarding). Even though, as an adult, I indulged myself in some serious collecting of art supplies - I knew a ton of people who were much further out on the bell curve than I was/am. By the time I had a studio and a free lance business - I was pretty good about keeping things organized.

And here is another digression - while I have some art clutter out in the open, I certainly enjoy having drawers and closets very orderly. MrWilson is the opposite. Zero clutter - but IMHO - the inner sanctum is embarrassing. To each their own.

Sorry to be off track again. I promise that tomorrow I will get to the point. In the meantime - be thinking about whether you have chaos everywhere or are there some places that are harder than others to keep organized.

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