
Friday, November 8, 2024

Sept from Amy and Irene's insert - left-handed video

Amy is another person who encloses notes in her envelopes and I have the impression that she was not an art major but since she found the exchange she has enjoyed trying out some of the things I jabber about. If I'm wrong about that - Amy can email me a clarification - and I'll edit this. I am scrambling like crazy to get a bunch of posts filled but the one thing that I seem to be able to do is check my blog and make prompt edits when necessary.

This was tucked into Irene's envelope which I posted on the first of the month - 

Idea from Traci Thompson - LINK to Traci Thompson's Instagram

This is a link to just one Traci's posts. For some of you it will be hard to wrap your head around. She is left handed and the way she positions her paper makes it almost upside-down - which looks hard - but - it is the most perfect video I have ever seen that illustrates how a person needs to position the paper to correspond to the way they hold their pen. With left-handed people - there can be a *hook* where their hand is curved around. My younger son is left handed and I delved into all the details of how left-handed-ness works. I found it fascinating - but will not go any deeper here. 


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