
Monday, March 18, 2024

To Tom from Sharen - Part 3 - Big wedding

 Sharen is a newer exchanger. I wonder if she has done - or still does addressing for wedding invitations. Her pointed pen script is lovely.

Here's the part of the story that illustrates what a special person Tom is. There was a gathering for all the local vendors a week after the wedding. As we were reflecting on various aspects - everyone agreed that Tom had been the glue that held them all together on the day of the event. 

I'll never forget one of the team leaders saying to me - "Yeah, there were times when we'd be freaking out and we'd just have to find Tom and get *a dose of Tom.* I love that expression. He really does have a remarkable way of bringing calm to any situation.

Recently, I introduced him to someone - and he has a new part time gig - to keep busy during his semi-retirement. Every single time I talk to my friend who knows him through his new gig - she gushes over how *everyone loves Tom.* She remarked that there is one person who is a sour-puss who doesn't like anyone - *but she LOVES Tom.*

OK - enough gushing about Tom -- tomorrow we have to start our slog through the envelopes I did in February. Brace yourself -- there is some redundency.

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