
Friday, March 15, 2024

To Tom from Amy - event stories without actual details

This is cute - and relates to Tom, I know one of the nice things he does for friends is dog sitting. Sometimes he even drives all the way to Kansas City and picks up the dogs. 

One of the first things I remember him doing for me was not just a volunteer job - but it was helpful on many levels. It was back in the day when I did a lot of work with an event planner. We were working on a huge wedding that was about 3 hours north of Des Moines and the event planner needed people who could come and spend the weekend at the location. 

Tom had a day job that was in the world of graphic design and web design for a nationally known company. But, I knew he did some moonlighting with a well known hotel chain which provided some nice discounts when he traveled. So, knowing he had hospitality experience, I recommended him for the job with the event planner.

One of my regrets is that I did not keep a log of all the stories of all the crazy things that happened at that job. It was crazy. I felt bad about getting Tom involved - but - apparently he thrives on crazy events - because he went on to work on many jobs for the event planner. 

I'm being careful about saying anything specific - which is too bad - because they are entertaining stories. It feels too gossipy to say more. Suffice it to say -- Tom saved the day on many occasions. 


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