
Saturday, December 30, 2023

Dec to Amy, Patty, Madison, and Troy (Cathy's holly)

This was a design I appropriated from CathyO. Mine is different in that I used my scroll tip nib. I was soooooo annoyed with myself that I misplaced Cathy's envelope and was not able to refer to it when I made the dots. She very clearly put them in groups of three and when I was not aware of that - I used my Official System of Scattering to place the berries - and my system failed me. They are not 100% wretched  - but they aren't quite right. 

There is no way that I can come up with iron clad rules for how to steal or appropriate. Obviously, we do not want to be obsessive - but, there are times when the originator has a better handle on the nuances. I guess it is like cooking or styling or arranging flowers -- after you have done enough of it - you have a sense about where things need to go.

These were Dec envelopes mailed inside my November exchange envelopes.


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