
Thursday, August 3, 2023

From Mia to Alex

 These are really cool stamps - from Mia in Canada. I think this is the first of the envelopes to Alex. There were a couple to Ben. We did not get a chance to visit our vintage carousel this year during the grandkid visit because it was a shorter than usual visit. Before the visit - I said something about looking for new activities - and had one lined up that included helmets - and then wrote: and what could go wrong?

Luckily, nothing went wrong - unless it was a problem that we never even got to the go-cart place. It was indoors and air-conditioned - and the go-carts are electric - so no fumes. I wonder if they are also quiet. Seems like half the fun of *racing* is the noise. I was not too disappointed that we didn't get there. 

I'm glad that we still have things like carousels for kids to experience. 

1 comment:

  1. Those are really fun stamps. I like it when they are something other than square. I enjoy the round international ones too. Her carousel horse compliments the stamp well. I found this guy online who makes amazing carousel animals after pets. His Basenji was amazing! I'll see if I can find his name and a link.
