Thank you to Mary for answering all my questions about yesterday's envelope.
They are at the end of yesterday's post.
This lovely envelope is from Irene - and there was a nice card inside. The ink has a lot of shimmer to it. Another note-to-self to pull out the shimmery pans of something that I have in my stash. I tend to grab the white envelopes first - and need to grab some dark ones instead. I should also count my envelopes so that I have an accurate idea of just how many there are. It might make me less stingy about using the dark envelopes. I probably send around 300 envelopes per year. Now I'm curious - how many envelopes do I have?
Remember back during covid when someone tossed out the word *withering* to describe the doldrums that so many people were in? I think that term has faded. Or maybe my memory is glitchy and that wasn't the word. There is a new term I just saw that I'm guessing will be trending. It's a cousin to *gratitude* which I think is suffering from over-use.
The new word is *glimmer* and it comes to us from licensed clinical social worker, Deb Dana - via The Daily Skim - one of those emails that converts all the news to bullet points for people who want someone to reduce the amount of news that comes in.
Deb says that *glimmers* are those small, ordinary moments that spark joy which in turns brings some inner peace. I suppose you could Google her name and find more than that. We'll see if there is a big trend urging us to notice glimmers. What jumped out at me was that the words *spark* and *joy* were in the sentence. Very *Marie Kondo.*
I'm going somewhere with this. I'll get there tomorrow.
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