
Friday, June 23, 2023

Monster to AmyF + flourish to JeanR

I was so careful to do a decent replica of the heading on the sheet of monster stamps and then forgot to put it on the back of the envelope so that AmyF could see the inspiration font. I deeply regret putting that hat sticker on the little monster.

Below - we've seen a bunch of envelopes that are similar to this. I ended up with two envelopes to Jean last month - so this one was ready to go in June.

In yesterday's post I made a comparison between dried up markers and my own aging. It reminded me of a  wrinkled face that I remembered seeing in an article about someone who sought out people at the turn of the millennium who had been born at the tail end of the 1800s - so they had been alive in three centuries. There was one photo that I really liked and found the photographers website.

You can read all about the project and look at the other photos -  he was specifically interested in people who had *weathered* some significant experiences.

101 year-old 
Mongolian woman 
who had lived through 
nineteen life-killing droughts 
and forty-seven years 
of brutal Communist repression.

the Communists did not like 
the independent spirit 
of the Mongolian people.

She was four feet tall,
seventy pounds,
and in perfect health.


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