
Wednesday, June 7, 2023

From CathyO to Tracy - non-machineable mail

 I warned everyone - that writing blurbs with variety about the envelopes for Tracy would be hard - because they were all so pretty. This one is sooooo pretty - and her name fits the layout beautifully. Name length can be so challenging.

By the way - I did get an answer to why that envelope had NON-MACHINEABLE MAIL rubber stamped on it. I described it to a different clerk and her guess was that because I asked for the envelope to be hand cancelled, the clerk wanted to make sure that it did not go through the machines that would give it a machine cancel. That makes sense. I was at the main post office - so I should have asked if there is a way to hand cancel them and then put them in the non-machined *place* where they get sent on their way.

I have a feeling that there is - because I think many years ago when I had a very serious comrade/cohort at the post office - he told me that he took my mail *downstairs* and put it someplace where it would not get another cancel. He retired quite a while ago. I wonder if I should look into getting another comrade/cohort/collaborator. One would think I could get my son to help out -- but he has moved to a different building - so that is not an option - unless I can figure out a way to get him to go back to the main plant on his own time -- and that does not sound like anything I could get him to do. Or maybe I could.

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