
Tuesday, May 16, 2023

To Carolyn and Grace in April

I'm impressed. Mary read about the *snowball sentence* yesterday and wrote an excellent one:

A no can feel sadly abrupt, turning sunshine instantly fuliginous.

 I had to look up fuliginous. Pertaining to soot; sooty; dark, dusky

More Pop-Art fonts - and I'm not sure if either of these is better than the other. Grace's might have been better if I had not let the EDMANDS run uphill. I am not going to post this font because I do not know where it comes from and there might be someone who owns it and doesn't want me giving it away.

If you want the full font - Google *Pop Art Font* - and you will see it in the images.
Or maybe you won't. I have no idea how Google works. I just know that if I Google those 3 words - I get it and many others.

I deeply regret that S in Edmands -- and I deeply regret that we do not hear from the originator of that line - "I deeply regret..." If you still check the blog, Rachael - we'd love to hear from you.


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