
Wednesday, May 24, 2023

From Mia to Tracy (2)

 This is lovely - and the stamps coordinate beautifully. I wonder if she used a ruling writer. Is it paint or ink? Either way -- it's just lovely.

The Certificate Story - Chapter 2

Could-a. Would-a. Should-a.

I could/should have done the exact same artwork to fit the exact same space. But, StupidJean thought that she could improve upon the scrolly doodle design along the left margin. She also thought that artwork often times looks better when it is slightly larger - and then reduced when it is scanned. This was a very bad decision - to make slightly different art and slightly larger than needed. But that's what StupidJean did. 

StupidJean took the original artwork and a very detailed layout to the digital art and graphic company. She has done a ton of work with them and they are the very best people in town to scan artwork and print it on fine art paper. They do all kinds of things with art and fonts. They literally cover large important buildings with images. I apologized for even bringing such a ridiculous little job - but they know me - and they have one other stupid little certificate job that they do every year. So - they made me feel OK - about a really archaic looking certificate. We chuckled at how pitiful it was that people were still stuck in a medieval aesthetic. 

I have a friend, Connie Wilson, no relation, who is the graphic designer who converted the certificate to fonts when I switched to printing the lettering and adding the swirly doodle by hand. She's been updating the file for at least 15 years - and we both figured that she could send her files and the fonts over to the big company and they could scan the scrolly doodle art and drop it in.

 Connie and I are both 71 and we know how to anticipate problems. This seemed like a piece of cake. What could go wrong? 

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