
Thursday, April 13, 2023

To Carolyn and Lauren

No matter how many times I think I have used up these stamps - I keep finding more. Remember Jessica's name from yesterday - and how I said I printed out everyone's name in that font - I used it to get the spacing on these two - and they looked promising at first. But - both of them are overworked. They both were looking decent - and then I added one more thing - and tipped them into the so-so range.

I have no idea why I did the right corner placement on Carolyn's. It makes no sense. Maybe at the time I thought it was OK - but it is not - or maybe it is. I'm not sure I can be objective. 

I object to the use of orange on Fraser -- it should have been the yellow gold on the stamp. It's not like the USPS even needs to read the last name. Grrrr at myself.


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