
Saturday, March 18, 2023

From Maggie to Jennifer - Pangrams


Love the LOVE stamps -- and a pretty flower - and more on the flip side of the envelope. In case you are not a follower of Maggie on IG - here is a link: Maggie's IG. I keep forgetting to ask Maggie how many hours a day she spends at her desk? Is she blessed with a spouse who enjoys taking care of meals and everything else that seems to use up a lot of time for the rest of us?


Back in January I saw an invitation to submit original pangrams to For the Love of Pangrams - but I didn't see it until the day after the deadline. I had written one pangram (long ago) that I love - and sent it in even though it was late. The organizers of the event were going to have a Zoom event to announce the winners on Valentine's Day. I have never Zoomed, but, I was interested - so I figured out how to Zoom and signed on. 

Imagine my surprise when my pangram was the very first one to pop up on the screen. I was not a winner and I agree with their choices for winners because they were more *artistic.* My pangram is purely functional. I wanted one that started with the word *minimum* and that had all useful and easy to spell words. For calligraphic or penmanship practice, I don't think the words should be eccentric and rarely used words - or hard to spell. 

Here is a link to the Zoom program:

LINK to For the Love of Pangrams

I will post the entire list tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I always look forward to Maggie's envelopes. They are beautiful!
