
Friday, February 24, 2023

Jan from Sharon - 2 obsessions + that other thing


Sharon's sentiment on the card that came in this envelope mentioned the possibility of 2023 being *out of this world.* OK - that might be a little further out than I was imagining - but if it involves circles, I'm all in. There was also a note enclosed explaining that her design was supposed to go with the blue and turquoise sun stamp - but she needed more postage for the square envelope. I think the butterfly is very pretty with the design.

The flip side of the envelope is nice, too. That's the front of the card that was enclosed.

And here is the lining in the envelope - a very nicely done ensemble. 


I just noticed that in 2012, I do not have 366 posts. I can even see which months are short. It seems bizarre that I would have skipped days. Of all the things I am compulsive about, not missing a day on the blog might just be the top obsession. I recall that I did delete some posts from time to time -- so maybe that's what happened in 2012. It will just have to be one of those mysteries. 

In 2013, I posted 517 times. That's crazy. But, I'm guessing that I was channeling a lot of *anticipation* into the blog. It was the year that my daughter was pregnant with her first kid and she was in Australia. So, the blog provided a place to babble about other things to take my mind off of all the *whatever-you-call-it* that happens when the first grandchild is on the way. I guess anticipation works. Let me know if there is a better word that I am forgetting.

There is only one other thing that I think I truly obsess over - and it's more of an addiction thing. I do not go to sleep -ever- unless I know where I will be finding my morning coffee. I even travel with caffeine pills - in case there is some kind of natural disaster. I probably shouldn't be outing myself.

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