
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

From Smash in Jan - Knitting School


When I saw this image in my Informed Delivery email from the USPS I knew it was from Smash and I was wildly excited about it - even though it was in black and white. I was only on one list in January and I put John Hancock's name on the list at my address because his birthday is Jan 23rd. It was fun that it arrived on the 23rd. And here is the envelope - in color. Gorgeous. Even MrWilson stopped and admired it. This is a highly steal-worthy layout. Thanks, Smash.


This place popped up in an NYT article and may be of interest to anyone who is inspired by people who have used their extreme difficulties to turn things around and then build something for the community. Her description of how it helps to be part of a herd reminded me of the help I get from my connections through the blog and exchange. 

LINK to the home page. or LINK to the story with links to several articles at the bottom. There is a link to the NYTimes article - but, they limit the number of free articles. 

Quick add-on. I am opposed to both Walmart and Amazon because of the number of smaller businesses that they have crushed - so I only shop at either one when I have no other choice. MrWilson is not bothered by Amazon and even has AmazonPrime - and I feel like such a hypocrite when I watch movies on Amazon - but - I do it from time to time.

Recently, I watch a very unusual movie - Brian and Charles. If you watched After Life - and enjoyed the character who was the mailman - that actor is in this movie and he is essentially the same guy - only he lives in a rural area and invents things. I love quirky stories about quirky people - and this one was plodding along - for most of the movie - and then towards the end - there was finally a moment - where I thought to myself - someone had the idea to make a movie that only has one punchline. I was impressed with that aspect and it reminded me of a shaggy dog story. I am not recommending this movie for everyone - it's very ?? quirky is the only word I can think of. Maybe look for some other reviews if you are contemplating watching it. Don't come back and tell me I am off my rocker for liking it - I already know that. 

OK -- I checked Rotten Tomatoes - and there are many critics who have better ways of describing what kind of movie it is.

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