
Saturday, January 21, 2023

Jan 2023 from Mia to Chuck


This post is different in that it is a January exchange envelope popping up in January (of the same year). I woke up at 5 am on Thursday and there was no new post - so, I quickly moved the Fri and Sat posts into Thur and Fri -- and then grabbed the first image I could find to fill Saturday. So here I am writing a brand new post only two days before it will pop up.

Sometimes people send me images of envelopes that they figure I will like - when I am not on their list -- which is what Chuck did. And -yes- I like this a lot - I'm intrigued with the lettering and I have quite a few  circle templates - so I am thinking I'll be taking them out for a spin. It's always fun to see the Canadian stamps on Mia's envelopes.


I'm not going to get myself all worked up about how I have missed the *time slot* on two posts in January. I'll just make a note to be more conscientious about scheduling and proofing posts. In 10 days I will be returning to brain rehab to talk with people about how I have done on my 6 month DIY rehabbing. They do not call it DIY - but that's pretty much what it is.

They had given me about a hundred different things (exercise-ish activities) over 3 months - and then gave me the assignment of implementing these things (on my own) for 6 months. I just read an article (a.n.o.t.h.e.r..a.r.t.i.c.l.e) about treating brains as well as the people who are hauling their brains around in a body that is connected to the brain and e.v.e.r.y.d.a.m.n.a.r.t.i.c.l.e is very thorough about explaining that the people who deal in these issues 
1 - don't really understand how a lot of it works
2 - often disagree on any *findings*

Not to worry - I am not disturbed by any of this -- I continue to believe that the brain work that goes into the blog is maintaining my good attitude and certain kinds of functioning. Thank you to readers and exchangers who are my virtual-re-habbers.

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