
Sunday, December 4, 2022

Nov 2022 to Troy and Chuck


I started making Dec envelopes to tuck inside Nov envelopes and after I did these two, I ditched the whole idea. I had fun with the watercolor - but the results were not enough to keep me going. If I had pulled out nicer paper I might have had better results - but these envelopes had cards and I can't make myself throw out perfectly nice cards that come with mediocre envelopes.

Getting out real gold gouache and nibs might have worked but I did not do that. As usual, there was poor planning in the stamp department - but - I actually like the frogs. For me - color is more important than subject matter.

The next few blurbs might be a little shorter. I feel like I've been rambling - and this is a traditionally bizzy time of year for a lot of people - so maybe brevity will be appreciated.