
Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Nov 2020 from Chuck & his 2022 jack-o-lanterns - MT and PR post offices

 A whole row of pumpkins from Chuck arrived in 2020.

Below is what Chuck sent in 2022 - I love when he sends me a preview of his envelopes. It's so much fun to see the variety of expressions.

My add on today is a photo I found whilst surfing. It's in Montana, my motherland. I wonder if there are any other post offices who share space with a church. I wonder if they open up on Sunday so people who drive a long distance to church may tend to postal matters because people who live in remote areas like to minimize the number of trips they make.

It's in Helmville, Montana - which is way off the beaten path - unless you want to take the scenic route from Bozeman up to Glacier National Park.

I'll be posting more about the Point Roberts post office - this post is long enough for now.


  1. What a great envelope...absolutely love the font style that Chuck used! Those pumpkins are so fun too...clearly he's very artistic! Thoroughly enjoy your interesting posts too!

  2. Great pumpkins and Jack-o-lanterns. I'm due to be back on a list with Chuck. I've not heard from him or sent to him in awhile.
