
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Dec 2020 to Trish - journaling


I discovered a folder with my 2020 December exchange envelopes - but it looks like I might have put faux-stamps on them and mailed them in November. I'm 99% sure that they have not been posted, so, I will fill up the next few posts and will not fret that instead of useful design or lettering tips - I'll just be nit-picking at what I did. As I recall, I was parting with some cards that I loved -- and purging the stamp hoard.

This was a very old card from my stash of old stuff - from way before the blog started. I might have one more left in the stash - and I love it. The black paper is the discontinued Confetti paper from some big paper company. I get verklempt remembering papers from the 90s. I can't decide if I should save some of my originals for a memory box or just ditch everything. 

And what ever happened to Trish? If you do a search for her name - there are some very fun envelopes. 


I have never kept a journal - but I know some of you are journal keepers - so you might like this one. You get to see a lot of pages flipped. It is impressive. One reason I do not keep a journal is that I positively detest writing in a bound book - I only like writing on a sheet of paper on a flat cushioned surface. I know there are journals that are bound in such a way that they will lie flat (lay flat?) but - you still have the edges - and I can't stand to have my hand falling off the edge of a raised surface. That's my quirk. If you have the same one - you are not alone. If you think I am ridiculous - you are not alone. It's one of those spectrum things.

LINK to a very cool journal

You might enjoy a little surf through Joke Boudens IG if you have not been there.

Or her website:

Does anyone know how she pronounces her first name? This just in -- from a blog pal:

We have a Dutch lady in our hiking club and she pronounces Joke as Yolka.

I found this -- but I don't trust myself to interpret these kinds of directions correctly. Is it like *tell a joke*

Joke is pronounced as JHOWK †

† English pronunciation guide: 
JH as in "joy (JH.OY)" ; OW as in "oak (OW.K)" ; K as in "key (K.IY)" ; 

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